Hello Everyone!
Well, as you can see from my email title...I am being transferred!
I am very sad to be leaving Terre Haute and Sister Faleono! I have enjoyed this wonderful ward and area so much! I feel so blessed to have been able to serve here for so long with 2 wonderful companions! Last night when we got the call, we were at our former bishops house talking after dinner to his wife and the Elders. All of a sudden, I heard the phone ringing and my heart jumped as I answered the call from the assistant. He told me I was leaving and my companion was staying. At that moment, our hearts broke a little. 2 seconds later the Elders phone rang, one of them is leaving too. The Honey Creek ward will be getting 3 missionaries transferred in this week. We are all very sad...but I know it is the Lord's will, so I will go and do what He needs me to do! I have worked hard here and have been blessed to see many miracles, so I feel like I have done my job here in the Haute!
So besides transfer news, we had a very good week! The highlight was being able to go to the St. Louis Temple with some members! It was so great to finally be able to go back to the temple after not being able to go for over a year! The spirit was so strong and I felt to so good being there! It was the best way to end my stay in Terre Haute! I also realized how much better Indiana is than Illinois...the drive through the part of Illinois was very boring...driving through Indiana is very boring too, but it is greener here and the corn is taller, which makes for a more interesting drive! It was exciting though when we got to the south part of Illinois and I saw some hills! It was great!
We taught a lot of people this week! We found and taught some pretty solid people! One person we taught is a young women who is friends with a member. This girl's family doesn't approve of the church so since she isn't 18 yet, she can't get baptized. That hasn't stopped her from gaining a testimony of the gospel however! She knows it is true and wants to be able to have the spirit with her always! She also even talked about maybe going on a mission one day! It is super exciting and I will definitely be returning to Indiana when she gets baptized! Her testimony and faith is so strong!
We also found some cool potentials this past week and were able to teach a couple lessons to them. It was a good week and we used our time effectively! I love being a missionary and being able to see the changes that people are willing to make for the gospel!
Yesterday, I spoke in Sacrament Meeting! I spoke on an article out of the June 2014 Ensign called "That We May Rejoice Together." I think it went pretty well! About a month ago, I felt a prompting to write a talk based off the article and to volunteer for a talk. I skeptically obeyed the prompting and am glad I did. I don't know why Heavenly Father wanted me to speak on it but I do know that the spirit was in that room! There was a time in the middle of my talk where the room was spooky silent! It freaked me out a bit actually...but it was good. Sister Faleono told me that you could feel when the spirit came into the room and a couple people mentioned to me after that they were more inspired to do missionary work. So even though I felt a little off, I guess others were able to receive some guidance! We also taught the YW yesterday! We had 4 girls at church yesterday and no leaders. So it was us and them and we were able to have a nice talk about what it means to take Christ's name upon us and how we can better stand up, even if we are standing alone. I think it also went pretty well!
That is about all I can remember from the week....but I have a good couple days ahead of me! Tomorrow is basically already planned out with saying goodbyes to members and teaching some gators one last time. I hope you have a great week and I will talk to you next week from somewhere else!
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