Hello Everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful Independence Day! It is so great that we have the opportunity to live here! The only place where the Restoration could take place!
This week has been a fun one but also a slow one work wise! So last week we had exchanges down in Bloomington on the IU Campus! It was a fun day! I was with Sister Hain. She is awesome and we had a blast laughing at the mean people ignoring us and at the silly animals! We were able to teach 6 lessons in the 6 hours we spent out on campus. It was pretty exciting and missionary work on campus is so different from missionary work in neighborhoods! I liked it though, it was fun! Almost all the people we talked to were not really interested and were being polite, but it was still planting a seed whether they know it or not! Also while we were out walking around the beautiful campus, I touched a squirrel! Yep, that's right! It's nose grazed my finger! If it didn't look like it wanted me for dinner than I probably would have reached for it's tail or something to touch the soft part but it looked like it was gonna bite so I didn't take any chances! It was legit!
On Thursday I hit my 1 year mark as a missionary! It was a good day full of missionary work, weekly planning, a random lady at my door with a bucket of treats, and celebrating in style up in Brazil! The last year has flown by and I am so excited to see what the next 6 months have in store for me and the Hoosiers of Indiana!
Since not too many people like being interrupted during family celebrations, our mission president moved our P-Day to Friday. So on the 4th, we were able to celebrate by not making people hate the missionaries and by eating lots of food! In the morning the 2 wards here had a combined picnic breakfast at a park. We helped cook some of the breakfast and then enjoyed the beautiful weather! It was a breezy day in the 70's with low humidity! It was perfect! Since there were games and such going on at the picnic, we were able to wear real people clothes, so not only did we get to spend the day relaxing but we also got to spend the whole day in pants! :D It was great! We chilled with the other missionaries through out the day and then all went to a members house for a BBQ with some of the other families in the ward! It was so fun being able to get to know the families better and not have to feel rushed after. We played football, volleyball, and basketball and just sat and enjoyed the fireworks! Here it is legal to buy and shoot off the ones that go high up and boom...you know, the ones you imagine when you think fireworks. There were some really pretty ones!
The party didn't stop there! On Saturday we went back to the normal missionary work and taught some people the gospel but that night we got permission to go to a baseball game with some members! It was fun...but also pretty boring. I have decided that Baseball is probably more enjoyable when you have a device that you can play on during the game and watch every now and then. It was fun though because now I understand baseball a little better and there were 3 homeruns by our team, Rex. Those were always exciting!
It has been a good, fun week! I am excited for the week ahead of me and am excited to be able to work a little harder and to teach some more lessons! I hope all of you are having a fantastic summer! I love you all!
Sister Abbie
1.Exchanges with Sister Hain
2. my 1 year surprise from home! Thanks family!

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