Monday, July 21, 2014

Keep on Keepin' on

Hi Everyone!
I hope you are all having a wonderful s
ummer and that they weather isn't too bad for you all! I have got to say that this summer is so much nicer than last summer was! Maybe that horrible winter was worth it if it means a cooler, less humid summer! It has been beautiful here! :) Hopefully it stays that way...the Indiana weather is more bipolar than Utah weather!
So this week was a little rough with our numbers. Last week we taught 17 total lessons and this week we taught 8 total lessons. It was a struggle but we kept working hard and tried to teach as many people as we could. There is always more to do however! This week we have set some goals to make ourselves stretch more and are looking forward to diligently moving forward! It will be a better week!
We went up to the mission home last Monday to drop off Sister Hansen so she could go home. So for the following 24 hours we were in a trio with Sister Wilkinson until she got her new companion! It was a pretty fun day! On Monday night, we stopped in Fishers and had dinner with Sister Ingram and her daughter, Lexi! It was so fun to see them again! It was crazy because it was almost exactly a year since I had first arrived there as a very green missionary! Time flies! Then on Tuesday we had interviews with president. That went well and we were able to get some trainings from the zone leaders and the assistants on how we can be better, more powerful missionaries! It was a pretty good morning. Since Sister Wilkinson covers the ISU campus, we went and PCed for a little least we tried too. There weren't many people out and those who were did not talk to us. It was fine though, we still had fun and it was cool to see campus!
Something that the mission is trying to be better at is inviting investigators to baptism in the first lesson, so the assistants committed us all to invite the next 5 people we taught to be baptized. So on Tuesday when we had a lesson with a new gator, we invited her to be baptized and she said yes. Then on Wednesday, we had a lesson with another gator, Amanda, and recommitted her to be baptized and she also said yes! So we are super excited to extend them both dates in the next couple of days!
We had some fun on Thursday with a member making cupcakes for Elder Litster's birthday on Friday. We had them all nice and they looked really good. The only problem was that we had district meeting in Linton, about an hour needless to say, they did not end up still looking there by the time we got there. :( good thing the look didn't really effect the taste!
That pretty much sums up my week...other than helping little kids find some frogs/toads, getting called short by a 9 year old who is shorter than me, and having 2 different people make fun of my parking, it was a pretty normal week! 
I love you all!
-Sister Abbie Paige!
1. the awesome shirts we got last week! They say "I'm so Haute"!
2. hunting baby frogs/toads with the newest member of the HC Ward! 

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