Little Moments of Laughter
Hello Everyone!
This week has been a good one. It was still a really slow week. We didn't find any new investigators or get anyone on a baptismal date. We actually had a hard time getting in contact with some gators, but we were able to find many moments each day to just laugh and enjoy the work! It was wonderful and I would like to share some moments with you today! Some are random, some have things to do with the gospel and some don't, but they are all pretty fun!
So the week started off great on Monday! Once P-Day was over, we headed over to a less-active family's house that we have been working with. They are awesome and we really enjoy going over and meeting with them. As we were walking in, the youngest, who is 7, comes running out telling us about the 8 kittens they have. So she shows us and we hold them for a bit and they are adorable. We started talking to the family inside and they are talking about their pig, so the older daughter goes down to the barn and brings up the miniature potbelly pig! It was cute, but he was kind of freaking out and when she tried to pick him up, he pooped everywhere! It was pretty funny! Then later that night after we had finished our planning, we got a text from a ward member who lives a couple blocks away telling us that the fireflies, or lightning bugs, were out! So we took out our trash and saw the field across the street lightning up! It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen! I wish we had lightning bugs like that in Utah...It was magical!
Tuesday was the day before transfers and one of the Elders from Brazil were getting transferred so we had lunch together with the missionaries in the ward one last time before he left. That was pretty entertaining and then all had dinner at the same members house which was also fun because they let us play with their kid's toys as we wait for dinner! So we were in a circle hitting a beach ball sounds lame, but it was so fun!
My companion gave an awesome training in District Meeting this week! Sister Faleono is a rockstar! She can play the piano and the organ and she is a great singer! In her training she made up some new words to the song "Don't Worry, Be Happy," and sang it for us all! I had a proud mom moment! :) She was so great!
We taught Sunday School yesterday and taught about baptism. We knew none of our investigators were going to be there but we did know that some of the elders would be. The majority of the people the elders are teaching have very unique views on things, so we were a little worried about how the lesson would go. It started going away from normal and towards awkward when we got thrown off by a question meant to prove us wrong. Luckily one of the missionaries in the class came in with the save, but the gator wasn't satisfied with the answer and just kept shaking his head. Later he started talking about how we all came from the womb and how Satan and his angels came down and seduced the women...there was more but he talked quietly so that is about all I heard....this part was very hard for me to keep my composer. I almost busted up make it worse, I could see the elders faces and the reaction of the rest of the class, which were even more funny! It was an interesting lesson and I was apparently making pretty funny faces. Some of the people there told me that I looked like I was biting back some sassy comments...that is a miracle! Who ever thought I could hold back the sass!
It was a good week and I'm sorry it these experiences aren't as funny to you as they are to me...too bad, it's what happened so I shared it! I love you all and would love to hear how things are going with all of you!
-Sister Abbie Paige
1. Me and Bacon (that is what the little girl says his name is)
2. The elders got a basketball stuck on top of the hoop! T'was sick!

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