Monday, September 23, 2013

A Real Missionary

Hello Everyone!

So this week has been awesome! It started off great because for dinner last Monday, the member made chicken roll-ups (thanks for sending them that mom!)!!!!!! They were so good and I ate 3! We have had lots of fun teaching and applying the things taught to us a couple weeks ago from our Zone Conference! We had a goal to teach 5 other lessons (lessons without a member) last week and ended up teaching 8!!!! The power of talking with everyone! It was awesome! 

I had an exchange this week and spent Wednesday in Carmel with one of our Sister Training Leaders, Sister Cordner. It was a good day and gave me a lot of practice with door approaches and tracting. Before when we have tracted, we hadn't found much success. No one was home, it was hot, blah blah blah...but it was awesome! I actually enjoyed it! We met so many interesting people and taught a couple lessons! It was a good day and I learned lots! 

On Thursday we went to try a LA in the ward and ended up on the very edge of our ward in a cute little town named Fortville...I've decided that some day I will live there...because it is awesome! You drive by all these corn fields to get there and it is just a cute little country town. It reminded me of Stars Hallow! :) So my goal is to baptize all of Fortville and have a branch there so that they don't have to drive 45 minutes to get to church! 

On Friday Night the relief society in the ward had "Fantastic Friday", their big crafts night. It was super cool and I made a verse of the week chalk board! It was awesome too because the sisters did amazing at inviting non-members! About 1/3 of the sisters there were non-members! We were able to talk with new potentials as well as get in contact with some less-actives we have been trying! 

On Saturday, we had a really cool experience teaching a potential (who turned into a new investigator). She is 15 and her mom wasn't home (who we were actually trying to get a lesson with that day), so we had to go sit on the curb to teach. We spent about an hour talking with her about the restoration and just answering her questions. I felt like a real missionary! You know how in some of the church montages, there is a clip of missionaries teaching someone outside? Well I felt like someone needed to be there filming this moment because it was just so missionary-ey! It was so awesome! 

Sister Dewald came to church yesterday and stayed for both Sacrament Meeting as well as Sunday School!!!! We were super excited about that because she usually leaves right after sacrament meeting! She is still stuck on baptism but she felt something during the opening hymn! After we finished singing "Oh My Father" she was crying and told Sister Knight that she felt something!!!! With her, that is major progress because she hasn't progressed really in the whole 2 1/2 months that I've been teaching her! 

I love you all! Have an awesome week! :)
-Sister London
My yummy chicken roll up leftovers!

 I was being a super missionary! Do you like my cape?

My verse of the week board with an actual verse on it! I am thinking that I will keep it out here for my mission, but will probably send it home before I come home. I'll ship it and mark it fragile or something. But it is small enough to take from area to area with me!

Me being a goon on Saturday night! Since I had an "real missionary moment" I needed to reenact the moment!

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