Monday, September 16, 2013

1,000 Things to Be Grateful For

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all doing well! Life in Indiana is good! We have been having some cooler fall weather, which has made biking a lot more enjoyable! It has made it harder for me to want to go outside and work out in the mornings as well can't win them all! This week has been good!!!! Ah so good!

We had a zone conference this week and received a lot of great training! I am so excited to be a part of the work right now! It is really such a great time to be a missionary and President Cleveland knows it! The work is hastening at a rapid pace and there is so much more to come! It is awesome! 

We had a lesson with an investigator that the Elders gave to us this week. Her name is Amber and she is amazing! She is so prepared and really wants to learn and understand. We taught her part of the plan of salvation and gave her a baptismal date. She accepted and will be working towards being baptized on Oct. 26th!!!! I am so happy! I pray that she will continue to have this desire to learn and will work towards this goal! It is pretty exciting! The first investigator to say "yes" to a specific date, or baptism in general! 

I was reading in this months Ensign last week and read an article called "1,000 Things to Be Thankful For." It really got me thinking about my life and what I am thankful for. I decided after reading it that I would find at least 5 new things everyday that I am thankful for and why and then write it in my journal. I have been doing this only for a couple days but I can already see the difference it has made in my life and my attitude! It has really made me realize how blessed I am. I would encourage you all to read the article, as well as the whole issue. I have really enjoyed reading this months issue. I have taken something away from each article! 

I wanted to end off by sharing something that President  Cleveland shared today in his e-mail! He told us this because it brought a smile to his face. I am sharing it because I thought it was funny! Nicole, take a look at #3...Cougars don't cut corners but Saints do!!! :) I love you all! 

-Sister London

"Putting the Temple as a Priority in your Life"

Top 10 Reasons It's Easier To Go To the Temple Than To BYU!

10. The temple won't make you go home and shave.9. You only get interviewed every other year.8. There is always enough parking.
7. Construction is "finished" when the Temple is dedicated.
6. Temple workers won't get in trouble if everyone passes.
5. The temple doesn't want you to finish up after only four years.
4. Tuition is cheaper and never goes up. It's only 10%
3. You can walk on the grass.
2. The final exam in the temple isn't for a very long time yet.
1. If you can't go yourself, someone else will do the work for you.

I didn't really have any awesome pictures to send this week, so I just took this gem in the library 5 seconds ago! :)

I found St. George Blvd. the other day when we were walking to a members house...I was a little confused. "When did I leave Indiana?"

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