Monday, July 29, 2013

Toilet Papering in the Bible

Hello Everyone,

So we had dinner at our Bishop's house last night and he told us about where it talks about Toilet Papering in the Old Testament! Zechariah 5:1-2 is where the toilet papering is and the consequence is in Ezekiel 3:2! Look it up!

This week has been good, but hard! We have one solid investigator who believes in the gospel. She believes that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith is a prophet. She also believes that her Catholic baptism is valid. She is 84 years old and is the sweetest little thing, but she just does not know whether or not she should be baptized. The missionaries have been teaching her for 6 months! We don't know what to teach her any more either. She has been praying about baptism for a while now and hasn't received her answer or doesn't realize she's received it. Her niece is a convert and has done her parents temple work so Sis. Dewald has also said in the past that her niece can just do it for her after she dies. They told her that it doesn't work that way, but she is old and doesn't quite understand it. I think next time we see her, we are going to talk to her more about the Holy Ghost and focus on the feelings she's felt during the lessons, because the spirit is so strong in those lessons! Other than Sis. Dewald, we don't have other investigators because they don't return our calls or texts or they cancel at the last minute. It is hard and discouraging but all we can do is invite them to listen. It's not on us if they don't. I think that's the hardest thing to remember out here. We can't make them listen.

On Saturday we had 2 lessons with potential investigators but when we got to their houses, they both weren't home. It was really hard and discouraging. We had been trying people at their houses all week as well and no one was home! Looking back Saturday was still a good day because we did some service and even though we didn't teach the lesson, I learned so much about faith and trusting in the Lord. The sacrament talks on adversity yesterday really helped as well. Missionary work is always changing and we just have to roll with the punches and keep going! I am using the planner that Sister Falkner decorated for me and one of the things she wrote in in really helped me. It said "No force in the ENTIRE world can stop the word of God." After reading that I knew that was true and if i wallowed in self-pity, then Satan would win that round and I don't want that to happen!

Yesterday Sister Knight and I taught young women. We taught about Temple Ordinances and the importance of a temple marriage. It was like talking to a brick wall. So to any of my YW leaders, I am so sorry for those lessons where I did not participate as much! I now know how hard that is! The lesson was really good though. It was a cool experience and made me miss YW a little bit! It was fun to watch the girls before giggle and flirt with the boys out in the hall before! Fun stuff.

So there is a family in the 2nd ward who cut hair and wax eyebrows for free! So this morning I went and got a free eyebrow wax! It was great and now I don't have to pluck anytime soon! Woot woot! Also there is this really good ice cream place here called Handels! It was good!
So that's been my week! I hope you all are doing great! I would love to hear from you! Love you lots!

-Sister London

The Sisters in Fishers-Sis London, Sis Vidmar, Sis Knight, Sis Barrett

Abbie and Sister Knight at Handels

Abbie with President and Sister Cleveland

Sister London's nicely shaped eyebrows...

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