My Brain or the Spirit
Hi Everyone!
It has been a good week here in Greencastle! We have had a lot more rain and I completely understand the "green" part of Greencastle...but there are no castles so...awkward! Haha! Anywho this week has been a really good one! We have been able to keep fairly busy and have enjoyed the work!
We had Zone Conference this week which was re
ally awesome! Last time we had zone conferences, we were introduced to a Game Plan on how we can be more powerful missionaries, so this zone conference focused on how we can more effectively use the Game Plan in our teaching and finding. We did a lot of role plays, which are not my favorite but the way that we did them, I had a lot of fun! We had someone actually record our role play and them we were able to go back and watch it to pick out what we did good and how we can improve. It was really cool and I learned a lot! Something that we have been focusing on is teaching a 5 minute Restoration lesson with an invitation to baptism. It is a lot easier to teach the Restoration in 5 minutes than you might think. It is pretty exciting!
On Friday night we had a really cool experience! It was about 8:15 and we didn't have enough miles to drive and go visit someone. So we parked at our apartment and I had the thought that we should walk down to one of our investigators house to schedule another lesson with her. We started walking down the street and as we walked, we started walking past a yellow house with a lady out on the porch smoking. We had just had zone conferences the day before and had been committed to talk with every single person who crossed our path. So, trying to be as obedient to that commitment as possible, I said hi and started talking to her. It was typical conversing at first, how's your day? How are you? That sort of thing. She had heard some false things about Mormons so we cleared some of that up and were going to go on our way when she invited us up to come and sit with her and tell her some more. When we got up there, we noticed that she was drinking too but we still went and talked. Once we started talking to her, she really opened up! She told us all of the crap that she is going through in her life and how hard it is to try and do it alone. She mentioned how she wanted a better relationship with God and realized that meeting us was the way for that to happen. It was actually a roller coaster of a lesson since she was drunk and kept contradicting herself...but that is not the point! We were able to leave her with a Plan of Salvation pamphlet and a Book of Mormon. We prayed with her and as we did, her kids who had been out playing both came up to the porch and were quiet. They could feel something special about the prayer. We wanted to leave her with something because we were pretty worried that she wouldn't remember us...but she did! Sadly the return appointment we had set fell through because of various reasons but we called and she still wants to meet with us!
The moral of this story is that sometimes, the thoughts that we have are really promptings from the spirit. We may not realize it at that time but Heavenly Father is able to work through us in many miraculous ways. A simple thought that came from trying to stay effective with our time, lead us to find a daughter of God who is struggling to know if He is even there. never question the thoughts of the spirit and when a thought you have leads to a miracle, odds are that the thought was really the spirit prompting you and make sure to give him the credit.
I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week! I would still really love to receive some letters from you all and want to hear how your lives are!
Sister Abbie London
1. Perfect hair day!
2. Sister Jackson loves, loves, loves, loves you! Sister Jackson is a member of the Branch and is just a hoot! I promised her I would put this in the email!

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