Hello Everyone!
I hope you had a wonderful week! It was a good one here in Indiana too! So as far as transfers go, Sister McCombs will be transferred on Wednesday and I will be getting another companion! I am really excited to be staying here in Greencastle for another 6 weeks! It is crazy to me though that this is my 11th transfer here....I only get 13 of them...no worries, only minor freakouts going on! Haha but seriously I am so grateful to be here in Indiana and to be able to serve in this little branch a little longer! It is a wonderful place to be! I absolutely love it here!
So this week was a good one for a couple of reasons! We didn't find too many new people to teach or anything but we were able to meet one of our investigators from DePauw. She is from China and has been there all summer but since school started back up, she is back! It is kind of hard right now because her family does not want her to be baptized Mormon, so she is trying to figure out what Heavenly Father wants her to do. She is an honest seeker of truth so I have no doubt that she will receive an answer to her prayers! The key will be to help her have as many spiritual experiences as possible so she will be able to see her answer better and know for a fact that it is from Heavenly Father. She is super awesome though! I am way excited to get to work with her more!
So this week I mowed a lawn for a member, which may seem like no big deal to all of you, but let's remember that I have been a missionary for 14 months where most people only let the Elders do the heavy lifting and "hard work"....so this was a big deal for me because it was the first time in 14 months that I was able to mow the lawn! And to make it even better I did it in my skirt! It felt so good to push a lawn mower again and to be able to help someone at the same time! :) Also on Friday we had dinner at a members house with the Elders. It was a fun dinner but I left there almost having to be rolled out. I was soooooo full and here is why! So we get there and sitting on the table are two HUGE pizza boxes, each with a 20 inch pizza inside. So the 6 of us, the missionaries and the member couple, sit down to eat and Bro Evans tells us about the watermelon he got that day. We are finished with our dinner and he asks if any of us would like some watermelon. If any of you truly know me, then you know that the answer to that question would be, "YES!!!!!!" Watermelon is my favorite, it is the reason why summer is so great. So he has the elders go out and help him carry in all the stuff he got that day, some tomatoes and 2 big watermelon. One of the watermelon's was pretty big, maybe like an average large sized watermelon. The other one that he got was about the size of a toddler. It was huge, probably about 30-40 pounds...that is the one he cute into to share with us! I had told them how much I love watermelon and he asked what size piece we all wanted. They decided to give me a big piece, me not truly knowing what big is to this family. He walks over and puts a chunk of watermelon that does not fully fit on my plate....it was so big!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sadly was not able to finish it but if it would have come before dinner, maybe I could have accomplished it. My piece was bigger than the other missionaries slices put together! I ate over half of that thing before feeling like I would explode. It was awesome! And they sent us home with more! Let's just say I am in Watermelon Heaven right now!!!!! 

This week we did some service, tracted, and personal contacted some people on campus. We laughed and had some funny moments with members and missionaries. Life is going good here and I am loving being a missionary! I am hoping that with the new transfer we will be able to find some new investigators. We have been kind of struggling to find and really need to find some solid gators. Well, that is about all I can think of to share with you all! I hope your lives are all well! Have a wonderful week!
Sister Abbie London
1-Mowing along
2- Watermelon
3- A Sign Into a Neighborhood
4- This is/was our district. 3 of them are getting transferred.
5- Really cool door we knocked on!