Hello Everyone!
I cannot believe that I have already been here for a whole 6 weeks! It has felt like forever since I was home, but I still cannot believe that it has gone by this fast!! I am still in training so will be staying here in Fishers for at least another 6 weeks to finish that! Then we will see where I go from there! So since I'm still in Fishers that means that my address is still the same and I really would love to hear from all of you! Letters give me something to look forward to at night when I don't get to be out working!
This week has been good! Nothing too exciting to report on though. Pretty much the same old stuff that we usually do but we did get a new investigator this week! She is pretty intense and has had some family issues lately so it is really hard to get through a whole lesson because she is telling us all of her problems. When we met with her on Saturday our member showed her this awesome Mormon Message that helped invite the spirit back and made her feel something. It had Elder Holland telling a story and at the end she said, "I want to meet that guy! Who is he?" We told her that by coming to church she would be able to have that same feeling, but sadly she couldn't make it. I have a feeling that unless she starts letting us actually teach, we might have to drop her. We are missionaries, not therapists.. She is really sweet though and makes scarfs! I bought a cute light pink one (real shock on the color right?!) I hope she continues to feel the spirit because this gospel would help her so much in her life right now! Hopefully things go a little better tomorrow when we meet with her.
Other than that, we haven't had any other big things happen. Just the small everyday miracles that make everyday out here worth it!
Love you all,
Sister London

This was my district last transfer! 3 of the people in this picture are leaving. The one on the far left w/the sunglasses is being transferred, same with the Sister next to him and the Elder next to me folding his arms is going home tomorrow. This is the Fishers/Indianapolis 2 district!