Sunday, December 7, 2014

He Is the Gift

Hello Everyone!
Happy December! :D I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It was a great day here in Greencastle, everyday is a great day here in Greencastle! So first things first, we got transfer calls this weekend...well I should say a transfer text since Sister Munoz and I are staying together here for another transfer!!!! Yep, I get to finish it off here in the land of the blessed and I am sooooooooooooooo excited about that! :)
So this week was good! We had a really cool church tour this week with a less-active sister and her nonmember kids. It went really well. The spirit was there and some big steps were made in their conversion process. We are going to hopefully start teaching 2 of the kids this week! :) Last Monday we had a half p-day so at one, we started out in doing missionary work! We visited lots of people and were able to do some good teaching both on Monday and Tuesday. Sadly, I woke up last Monday with a nasty cough that has been hard to work through so the rest of the week wasn't as productive as the beginning was. #missionaryprobs Luckily I am serving in a branch with awesome members who have many ideas and solutions for helping rid the cough that have been working pretty well! Slowly am I getting better which is great because then I can focus more on sharing the gift!
For those of you who don't know about it yet or haven't watched it, the church has put out a new video for Christmas called "He is the Gift." It is a very, very good video that can help us remember the true meaning on Christmas. Why we really celebrate this special time of year. The church is encouraging all to share the gift with everyone. So as missionaries, we have a big role in helping spread the word about the gift. We have been given pass along cards specifically for the video and are working our hardest to share the gift because it is so important to share! I am really excited for the miracles that will come these next couple weeks as we as a mission work on getting the message out there to those in Indiana. It is so important to remember why we are all here, why we are celebrating Christmas, and what is possible because of Jesus Christ. He really is the greatest gift that has been given and we need to remember and be grateful for that gift everyday of our lives. That is where true happiness lies. If you haven't seen the wonderful video yet, you can find it here:
We had a great Thanksgiving full of fun and food! In total last week, we had 4 Thanksgiving dinners, 1 on Sunday, 1 on Wednesday, and 2 on Thursday. All of them were very yummy and I felt very loved and taken care of! On Thursday we had our p-day, so when we weren't at the members eating, we were at the church playing card games with the elders! It was such a fun day, we played a lot of Hearts. It was nice to be able to relax and it helped me realize how truly blessed I am in my life. I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for so many things and am so blessed. Being on a mission has completely changed my life and I am so grateful for the experiences I have had here and the ones that await me these next 6 weeks!
I love you all and don't forget to #ShareTheGift! Have a wonderful week!
Sister Abbie London
1. My awesome companion made stockings for us!
2. Thanksgiving card games

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