Monday, November 10, 2014

Another Week in my Little Castle

What up my peeps?!?!
Haha yep...I seriously just said that! So now that you know how much of a g I's your week been? Mine has been great, thanks for asking! I know you are all dying to find out so here it goes!
This week we have done a little bit of everything! From leaf raking to tracting in the rain and even a little bit of playing! We worked hard and saw some cool things happen! To start off I will talk about Hanah! She is super cool! She is the 18 year old less-active that we had dinner with last Sunday. The one who is super cool and amazing! We did our first scripture study with her on Tuesday and it went pretty well! We read Ether 12 and talked about faith. We had some good discussion and some was a room with 4 girls in it, of course there was giggling! It was pretty fun too because after we did our scripture study, we got acid burns put on us! :) Not real ones obviously because that would not be fun. Hanah is really interested in doing like Hollywood make-up stuff and is getting a portfolio made to submit to a school in LA. So she needed people to try out the different things on! So last week it was acid burns and tomorrow night after the study, it will probably be knife wounds! It was so cool and looked pretty intense! We grossed out the Elders later when they saw it and almost tricked someone else into thinking they were real!
We have been seeing some success with some other less-actives that we have been working with too. There are a couple families that we have been trying to meet with more consistently and were able to get in contact with one of them a couple of times this week! The wife is pregnant, just started a new job a couple weeks ago that is an hour away, and the husband works nights in Terre Haute which is also about an hour they are super busy with work and their other 2 kids. It has been hard to get in contact but having a companion who is licensed to cut hair really helped out with this one! The boys needed hair cuts so we were able to get over and do that as well as help clean a little. It was a big help and we got invited to go to their 10 year old son's birthday party! So we went to that yesterday and met her mom who is apparently anti-church and she really liked us! It is great to see the power that having a little charity can do! When you show someone a bit of the love of Christ you help them more than you can ever really know! I am now being able to see that more with the people that I am around!
We met with Natalie again this week and had a good lesson with her on the Plan of Salvation! She is praying to know if the church is true and if this is where she needs to be. She is only 11 but it impresses me and how sincere she is in her desire to do what is right and follow Heavenly Father. It is amazing to see! We had an awesome lesson and were able to put her on a baptism date ofDecember 20th! It is awesome!
We did some fun service this week with raking leaves and helping stack fire wood! Sadly the winter is creeping up on us and it is starting to get pretty chilly...well some days are and some aren't too bad. Like right now isn't super cold. It is fun to be able to be out and help people. Service is one of the greatest ways to show and share the light of Christ. It is getting to that time of year when everyone starts thinking about all the things they are grateful for. I think that the holiday season is more than just having gratitude. It is a season of Christ. I want to encourage and invite all of you to think about how you can help others more this next couple of months and then do it. Serve those around you and help them see a bit of the love through you and your deeds. Spend these next few months more focused on the true spirit of it all and less on the wants of the world...I can promise you that it will last a lot longer than all the presents and treats will last. I love you all and am excited to hear about how your service experiences go!
Sister Abbie London
1. our acid, sis Munoz and a recent convert named Tori

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